The Baker’s Apprentice

The Baker’s Apprentice

2024-11-07T19:51:02+00:00October 16, 2024|

Rosebank Farms’ Kitchen
Newsletter September 12, 2024
Open 9:00- 6:00 Daily

No, this is not as concerning as the Boar’s Head recall, but we did have some Crustless Tomato Pies that were not up to Rosebank standards.In other words The Influencer and The English Teacher just said they were not good, unripe tomatoes, no flavor and in his words Greasy ! If you purchased said product my apologies, it lands on me.We will be happy to refund you or give you another pie.

Out with the bad and in with the good. Chicken Enchiladas are back, some fresh and we will stock the freezer also. Soups this week are Fish Stew, Gazpacho, Crab and Corn Soup and a Chicken Something or other. Kat is coming up with a new pasta dish and will have her Ratatouille.

Some of you may have noticed the funky cousin to pimiento cheese (Amanda Holstein) in our refrigerator, Cheese Slaw ! Kat found it in Southern Living and decided to make it in honor of Kiawah River and this years Southern Living Idea House. It’s very good.

The Baker’s Apprentice is on her own for the next couple of weeks, The Baker is off to far away places with his beloved. Have a great time, and to the spouse, good luck !Speaking of the Baker’s Apprentice, she has suggested a team building exercise for The Kitchen Crew. I asked what she had in mind, pumpkin carving exited mouth and I suggested maybe we should include everyone at Rosebank Farms. Dr. Baker, you do have something to look forward to !!!

He’s Back For Now.


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